Have you considered a way to enable self registration at the support portal, and have that registration create a contact record/approval flow in Sugar

Following on from this Thread:

I would like to be able to import a list of Contacts, and then in Batch/Workflow (or from a Target List Action) be able to grant them access to the Joomla AOP support portal.


Great idea. A kind of “Import” for Portal Users. Or, just a simple checkbox button next to their name in Contact and Lead listview and detail view. Click the checkbox, and portal access is enabled. But self registration would probably be the best. Two clicks with a LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, Yahoo, Microsoft account.

I agree this would be helpful for transition of users from one solution over to Suite. Ability to massupdate Create Portal User trigger or if the joomla_account_id is valued in a csv import, it then triggers the same Post Trigger to Joomla.

Good Recommendation!


On the same topic of integrating Joomla with Advanced OpenPortal…

It would be nice if SalesAgility and SuiteCRM would make a clean, robust, textbook case, two-way integration between any (and there are many) mature Joomla support components ( JTAG HelpDesk, Freestyle Support Portal, Akeeba Ticket Pro, IMaqMa HelpDesk, RS Tickets Pro, Live Assistant, OsSolution HelpDesk Pro ) , and SugarCRM / SuiteCRM Advanced OpenPortal. No need to completely reinvent the wheel, no need to re-develop all that functionality which is running quite well on the Joomla side, into Advanced OpenPortal…?

Updating this topic.

The docs say a CRM user has to manually create contact for the customer if one doesn’t exist, then create a portal user from that contact, before that contact can enter a case or bug on the AOP portal.


That’s too much manual time in the CRM - when it could easily be automated.

AOP could and really should enable joomla site visitors who self-register from the joomla side, to auto-create/auto-link to the new/existing contact in the CRM.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the comments and suggestions. We will certainly take these on board as part of the AOP development.



Has this been implemented?