Guide to install a SuiteCRM language pack that we can all understand

Can someone point me to a guide to install a language pack that is explained step by step not assuming that the person reading it knows what you mean by "manifest for the language pack."without explaining what you mean by that?

It’s something like “download the pack then unzip it then edit this file look for this text and change to this text then upload it into such and such directory change the permissions to this and that run this script or go to your site url and add this and run it”

Something that doesn’t say just upload it but go to such and such screen and find the upload button select the file and upload it or use your ftp client and upload it into this directory.

In other words some of us want to install and use the package not develop it or get much into the inner workings and need a simple and precise guide that doesn’t assume that we know it all.


Take a breath and read with me:

1- Download ZIP - Save to your computer
2- Open SuiteCRM and enter “Admin”
3- Go to “Module loader”
4- Upload file from step1
5- Install it (sorry: hit the button install)
6- Go to “Admin” enter “Repair” and apply “Quick repair and rebuild” for languages
7- Log out SuiteCRM
8- Log in / pick your language

Easy enough? You don’t need FTP, permissions, script, nothing. Use your browser and SuiteCRM instance
Or take the visual guide: Install a new language - TranslatingSuiteCRM -

To download:
( first pick your language then download zip)

To translate:
(Join your language and translate directly in the browser!)


Thanks Horus, that is excellent.
One tip for other readers: I downloaded the zip-file maybe from a different place than the link is this post > got an error on installing. If so: unzip the zip-file on your local pc and zip it again; in my case it had to do with the way the zipfile was build. After that the steps in this post did the trick in a few minutes. :slight_smile:

If the link was a different link then you got a different language pack.
Can you please verify this and install a language pack from SuiteCRM core dashboard in Crowdin + choose your language page + then download
(you need to uninstall the old one first and make a “quick rebuild” before installing the new pack)

If the zip problem continues please send details on your installation (version, server, browser)

Note: the more recent manifest file inside the zip states:

	'author' => 'SuiteCRM Community',
	'version' => '',
	'published_date' => '2016-10-06',

Excellent answer. Thank you very much!

@horus68 is this link supposed to be still working?

or is that moved somewhere else?

Link updated: Translating SuiteCRM - Install new languages

If you have time please take the site into SuiteCRM docs:

Crowdin screens are updated. SuiteCRM screens would require new screens to use the mos recent version template.
I don’t have time now for this task because I would have also to learn to use the git to write articles!

Hi horus68!

I am sorry but I don’t feel that I have time now. Your current site looks very good, but I agree this would be nice to incorporate into the main Docs site.

Maybe you can ask me again after the summer? (or after we migrate the Forums somewhere after the summer, which is what is keeping me too busy).

On the other hand, if you want to try your hand with editing the Docs, I can assure you that Git is much simpler there, than it is for code contributions.

I can help you through the initial setup, and I can provide a separate branch just for you where everything becomes simple: just “pull” changes done by others, then “push” your changes. Since the branch is in our repo, I can take care of resolving conflicts in the rare cases where they arise.

I did this for Susie and Claire and Finn who worked on the site, without any previous knowledge of Git. I think they were all productive (and even enjoyed!) working with this set up.

Tell me what you prefer.

Hi Horus,

In step 6 you say "Go to “Admin”, enter “Repair” and apply “Quick repair and rebuild” for languages.
But I can only see “Quick Repair and Rebuild” with the text “Repairs and rebuilds DB, Extensions, Vardefs, SuiteCRM Dashlets etc.”
The only option with ‘language’ is "Rebuild Javascript Languages"and “Rebuilds javascript versions of language files”
I’m pretty sure that this is not the option you’re referring to…
What went wrong and how to install my dutch language in SuiteCRM?



You should simply do a “Quick Repair and Rebuild”

Normally “Rebuild Javascript Languages” is not necessary although you can try it when troubleshooting language problems.

Other that this, the main thing is to verify you are loading the correct package for your version. If you still have problems, please explain what they are. Thanks.