Guide for upgrading does not include instructions for 8.5.x

Hi There,

I installed SuiteCRM 8.5.0 for the first time ever a few months ago and I’ve been busy modifying it.
It’s been a steep learning curve, but all worth it.

I see there is a new version 8.5.1 out but I am hesitant to follow the current upgrading guide found at:

3. Upgrading from SuiteCRM 8.0.x to 8.1.x versions

This guide does not have anything after v 8.1.x.

My question is: Can I use this guide to upgrade? Does this method still apply for later versions?

Thanks in advance for any help and advice!

Hi, welcome to the Community! :tada:

I think this is what you want, it’s there on the same page

but I admit, it’s a bit confusing :confused:

Oh my goodness, just had to read the section below it :see_no_evil:
Thanks a lot!


Just realised after reading that section that I would need to have root access…
My installation is on a shared server environment, so having root access is out of the question for me.
I installed the package using Softaculous app installer in my cPanel.
There is only an installation option, no upgrade option.

Is there any other way to upgrade?

Why would you need root access?

If it’s to set ownerships and permissions, normally the hostings that block you from changing it, also block you from breaking ownerships and permissions - so basically, you can’t set them right because they don’t let you set them wrong first.

So you can go right ahead and it should “just work”, regarding ownerships and permissions.

Yeah just tried it and it gives me the following error:

jailshell: ./bin/console: Permission denied

So don’t think I can update my SuiteCRM. At least I’m not that far behind… running v8.5.0.
Wonder if there is a workaround?
Will it become a security risk later on if I fail to update like in a year’s time?

Yes there are security risks if you don’t update.

Asking your hosting about this, they can help you, probably.


So I’ve been able to run the first step of the update process.

Thanks to this post:

I ran the following command, before doing the upgrade:

chmod +x ./bin/console

Response was:

SuiteCRM Upgrade

Running: backup-original-modules
step: backup-original-modules | status: done
Successfully backed up files
Running: check-package
step: check-package | status: done
Package found in path
Running: extract-package
step: extract-package | status: done
Package extracted
Running: check-permissions
step: check-permissions | status: done
Permissions checked
Running: install-upgrade-package
step: install-upgrade-package | status: done
Successfully installed package
Running: clear-symfony-cache
step: clear-symfony-cache | status: done
Successfully cleared cache
Warning! Please re-set permissions after this upgrade step has completed

However, when running the post update command, it gives me the following error:

SuiteCRM Finalize Upgrade

Running: legacy-post-upgrade

mmap() failed: [12] Cannot allocate memory

mmap() failed: [12] Cannot allocate memory

mmap() failed: [12] Cannot allocate memory

mmap() failed: [12] Cannot allocate memory

mmap() failed: [12] Cannot allocate memory

Is this a massive problem though?
And how do I check that the update was done successfully?

Thanks a lot for your help so far in this…

Nevermind my previous post about the memory error. Just increased PHP memory and it worked.

However, there was some warnings, but I assume that this is normal?

SuiteCRM Finalize Upgrade

Running: legacy-post-upgrade
step: legacy-post-upgrade | status: done
Post Upgrade process complete
Running: add-new-config-entries
step: add-new-config-entries | status: done
Added new config entries to config file
Running: metadata-merge
step: metadata-merge | status: done
Metadata successfully merged
Running: run-migrations
Warning! SuiteCRM is now using angular 16.
Warning! 'defaultExt' and any extension that contains frontend changes will need to be rebuilt. For defaultExt you can build using `yarnrun build:defaultExt`
Warning! 'defaultExt' has been disabled. It may need to be rebuilt.
Warning! Extensions other than 'defaultExt' will need the following files manually updated:
- extensions/your-extension/app/
- extensions/your-extension/app/webpack.config.js
- extensions/your-extension/config/extension.php
step: run-migrations | status: done
Successfully run migrations
Running: finalize-clear-symfony-cache
step: finalize-clear-symfony-cache | status: done
Successfully cleared cache
Warning! Please re-set permissions after this upgrade step has completed

Those warning are meant for people that had previously done custom work in Angular and would need to adapt them with this upgrade.

The chmod for the console is in the installation instructions from day one :slight_smile:

Yeah I wouldn’t have seen that as I installed it via Softaculous and it’s not mentioned in the upgrade docs.

But thanks a lot for all your help and advice… Was really getting worried there for a moment…

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