[got this] update to 7.11.20 - Differences found between database and vardefs

I am updated from version 7.11.18 to 7.11.20 all goes well, however there is a small error with table: users
I have been looking on Suitecrm forum and Github but still don’t have your answers. Please take it through it and if you’ve met and handle it, guide me. Thank you !

I found some the same topics (same TITLE), but they came from 2019, I reviewed and followed almost the completed edits, nothing to fix.

This is NOTE: after run Quick Repairs and rebuilds

Differences found between database and vardefs

The following script will sync the database structure with the structure defined in the vardefs. You have the option of exporting this script and then running it against your database using external database management tools, or to allow the administration module to run the script.

NOTE: any changes you make to the script in the textbox will be reflected in the exported or executed code.

/* Table : users /
/*INDEX MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - idx_user_name - ROW idx_user_name index [0] => ‘user_name’ [1] => ‘is_group’ [2] => ‘status’ [3] => ‘last_name (30)’ [4] => ‘first_name (30)’ [5] => ‘id’ /
VARDEF - idx_user_name - ROW idx_user_name index [0] => ‘user_name’ [1] => ‘is_group’ [2] => ‘status’ [3] => ‘last_name’ [4] => ‘first_name’ [5] => ‘id’ */
ALTER TABLE users DROP INDEX idx_user_name, ADD INDEX idx_user_name (user_name,is_group,status,last_name,first_name,id);

Suitecrm: 7.11.20
PHP 7.4
MySQL Version: 10.3.30-Mariadb-Log-CLL-LVE
Operating System: Linux
Shared Hosting

Thank you !

If I’m not wrong you should just click on the option to run the script from the button at the bottom of the page.

Yes, 2 buttons at the bottom, press EXECUTE the showing: “Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details.”
Nothing change after run Repair function again !

Latest updates, I try upgrades from 7.11.18 to 7.11.22 and recognize this error - I really don’t evade PHP and SQL Data
Please take a look and let me know how to fix, or a direction if you have experienced. Thank you !

NOTE: any changes you make to the script in the textbox will be reflected in the exported or executed code.
Differences found between database and vardefs

/* Table : users /
/*INDEX MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - idx_user_name - ROW idx_user_name index [0] => ‘user_name’ [1] => ‘is_group’ [2] => ‘status’ [3] => ‘last_name (30)’ [4] => ‘first_name (30)’ [5] => ‘id’ /
VARDEF - idx_user_name - ROW idx_user_name index [0] => ‘user_name’ [1] => ‘is_group’ [2] => ‘status’ [3] => ‘last_name’ [4] => ‘first_name’ [5] => ‘id’ /
ALTER TABLE users DROP INDEX idx_user_name, ADD INDEX idx_user_name (user_name,is_group,status,last_name,first_name,id);
Table : aos_pdf_templates */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - pdfheader - ROW [name] => ‘pdfheader’ [type] => ‘text’ /
VARDEF - pdfheader - ROW[required] => ‘’ [name] => ‘pdfheader’ [vname] => ‘LBL_HEADER’ [type] => ‘longtext’ [massupdate] => ‘0’ [comments] => ‘’ [help] => ‘’ [importable] => ‘true’ [duplicate_merge] => ‘disabled’ [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => ‘0’ [audited] => ‘’ [reportable] => ‘1’ [size] => ‘20’ [studio] => ‘visible’ [rows] => ‘4’ [cols] => ‘20’ [dbType] => ‘longtext’ [len] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - pdffooter - ROW [name] => ‘pdffooter’ [type] => ‘text’ /
VARDEF - pdffooter - ROW[required] => ‘’ [name] => ‘pdffooter’ [vname] => ‘LBL_FOOTER’ [type] => ‘longtext’ [massupdate] => ‘0’ [comments] => ‘’ [help] => ‘’ [importable] => ‘true’ [duplicate_merge] => ‘disabled’ [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => ‘0’ [audited] => ‘’ [reportable] => ‘1’ [size] => ‘20’ [studio] => ‘visible’ [rows] => ‘4’ [cols] => ‘20’ [dbType] => ‘longtext’ [len] => ‘’ /
ALTER TABLE aos_pdf_templates modify COLUMN pdfheader longtext NULL , modify COLUMN pdffooter longtext NULL ;
Table : users_password_link /
ALTER TABLE users_password_link add COLUMN user_id varchar(36) NULL ;

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Thanks God, with the BIG upgrade version 7.11.xx to 7.12.1 everything happens well well and there is no error repost with the User Module as upgrade vesion before.