Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work for me either. Would it have anything to do with the fact that my site is running SSL exclusively? I do not seem to recall having this problem before making that particular change.
I’m fairly certain that I haven’t done anything wrong. The site URL is properly specified in the Sugar config file, Windows/IIS has all of the proper rewrite rules, and nothing else seems to give me an issue. All my other scheduled tasks seem to run just fine.
I might add that I’ve tried the following variants of my URL:
Only the first one will reach the “Done” status after queuing up. The rest of them will sit in the queued status for a while, then fail - and will never run again after that.
You can’t call a URL from Cron in this way. Cron can only execute inbuilt system commands or shell scripts. So to do what you are looking for your would need a script.
Hey @Roquefort I have the exact same problem. I know it’s years later! The link to the solution is no longer valid. Do you remember what the fix was?