Google Api Key | Maps

Hello community,

I have the following problem. I would like to have my company and sales opportunities shown on a map. To accomplish this I have procured a Google Api Key and deposited it in the Admin Panel. When I test the geocoding I get following error message:

Even when I try to open a quick radius map nothing happens. I have entered my company adress in the custom fields. (Name 1, Name 2, Name 3, etc…)

Hopefully you can help me find a solution to my problem.

Best regards

Your version of SuiteCRM please?

Sorry - Version 7.10.2 - new installation

Do you see any errors in your logs? Both php_errors.log and suitecrm.log

Also you might want to search Github Issues for past problems with Google Maps, ther might be some tips there. I don’t know this part of the app that well, sorry…✓&q=is%3Aissue+maps