I have SuiteCRM hosted at GoDaddy. Trying to setup email.
Outgoing email (SMTP) is no problem at all - works like a dream. Incoming email isn’t working.
Have gone into email client, setup the account. When trying to “Test Settings”, it sits for awhile and then the screen is active again but nothing works. Cannot save the settings as they say there is an error. Here is the troubleshooting so far:
- checked the SuiteCRM log. It looks like it is trying multiple connection strings until it finds one that might work. Each returns one of two errors - either “No route to host” or “Connection timed out”
- Have checked to make sure that the pwd is accurate - have configured this same account multiple times on other email clients to make sure that they work
- Have made sure that IMAP libraries are active in php - phpinfo says that they are installed at at least the required version
- Have also installed SugarCRM at GoDaddy (they have multiple CRMs available to install) and done the same configuration. The results are the same
- Called GoDaddy and talked it through with their Support team. They are helpful but don’t know anything about the applications. Nothing we discuss spurs anything in their minds of settings that should be changed on their side.
I’m attaching the cut/pasted messages from the SuiteCRM log just in case they might trigger anything for anyone out there.
Thank you very much for any thoughts or suggestions you might have for this issue.