Gmail integration.

Hi, I have tried and googled for a solution to get my suiteCRM connected to my email account(google apps/gmail) and have been unsuccessful. So far the only solution seem to be allowing less secure apps which is not going to happen. I have my system secure for a reason. Ironically the sugar outfitters plugin works and syncs my contacts calendar etc but I can not attach email correspondence to accounts and contacts.

Is there any way (plugin, code patch etc) to get this working. I really like SuiteCRM but this may be a deal breaker.

Thanks in advance.


The api is currenlty based on the legacy api inhertied from sugarcrm, you can see the guide here

This may be of use it an example of the php class used to connect suitecrm via the current API

We are currently in the process of writing a new more modern api, but for now this works pretty well and should do what you need it to