Gmail Integration from INSIDE Gmail (like Collabspot)

Hi everyone!

For what I´ve read, Collabspot (the great Gmail Add-on for SugarCRM CE / SuiteCRM) has been bought by SugarCRM Inc., so that option is over.

Does anybody now what other options are out there to integrate SuiteCRM FROM INSIDE Gmail, that is:

  • Allowing to archive sent e-mails just by sending them out from Gmail

  • Viewing, Editing and Creating Accounts, Contacts, Opps, Tasks, etc. from inside Gmail?

Any help much appreciated!


have you seen this one?

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Yathit is awesome from my testing. The biggest challenge has been setting permission for users and getting hold of support at the moment. Permissions for self hosted folks seems to be one of the biggest issues.

Thanks Dwayne!

I’ve tried it, yes, looks like a great solution!

Let’s give it another run and please feel free to contact me here on this or other issues!
