Global search shows all records from module


I have some custom modules and just see that two of them just shown all their records in the result page of the Global search. Whatever I try to search those modules it showed all recordsā€¦

What do those modules contain? There is nothing interesting. Itā€™s just a Basic template and searches should display results by only one filed = Name
Logs havenā€™t any error and debug log shown one interesting thing.
There is fully search queries to all my module except for those two (debug log just havenā€™t any query information for those two modules)

Please can you leave any suggestions for me?
Some time ago everything works fine and I didnā€™t do any configuration change (no Updated, no changed LAMP versionā€¦)

What search settings have you enabled? Is AOD disabled or enabled? Are you scheduler jobs all working? (AOD requires your cron jobs to be working).

no, itā€™s use just basic search.
AOD is disable

Letā€™s have a look at the SearchFields.php file for the custom module causing an issue. It maybe perhaps permissions issue and that file isnā€™t saving correctly.

I have already set www-data with 777 right for testing and itā€™s nothing effect

This for the SearchFields.php? What does this contain may I ask?

a set this right for all my suitecrm directory

in my modules/people/SearchFields.php I have
if (!defined(ā€˜sugarEntryā€™) || !sugarEntry) {
die(ā€˜Not A Valid Entry Pointā€™);

$module_name = 'people';
$searchFields[$module_name] = array(
    'name' => array('query_type' => 'default'),
    'current_user_only' => array(
        'query_type' => 'default',
        'db_field' => array('assigned_user_id'),
        'my_items' => true,
        'vname' => 'LBL_CURRENT_USER_FILTER',
        'type' => 'bool'
    'assigned_user_id' => array('query_type' => 'default'),

    //Range Search Support
    'range_date_entered' => array('query_type' => 'default', 'enable_range_search' => true, 'is_date_field' => true),
    'start_range_date_entered' => array(
        'query_type' => 'default',
        'enable_range_search' => true,
        'is_date_field' => true
    'end_range_date_entered' => array(
        'query_type' => 'default',
        'enable_range_search' => true,
        'is_date_field' => true
    'range_date_modified' => array('query_type' => 'default', 'enable_range_search' => true, 'is_date_field' => true),
    'start_range_date_modified' => array(
        'query_type' => 'default',
        'enable_range_search' => true,
        'is_date_field' => true
    'end_range_date_modified' => array(
        'query_type' => 'default',
        'enable_range_search' => true,
        'is_date_field' => true
    //Range Search Support

and my custom/modules/people/SearchFields.php I have

// created: 2021-04-02 13:18:54
$searchFields['people'] = array (
    'name' =>
        array (
            'query_type' => 'default',
    'current_user_only' =>
        array (
            'query_type' => 'default',
            'db_field' =>
                array (
                    0 => 'assigned_user_id',
            'my_items' => true,
            'vname' => 'LBL_CURRENT_USER_FILTER',
            'type' => 'bool',
    'assigned_user_id' =>
        array (
            'query_type' => 'default',
    'range_date_entered' =>
        array (
            'query_type' => 'default',
            'enable_range_search' => true,
            'is_date_field' => true,
    'start_range_date_entered' =>
        array (
            'query_type' => 'default',
            'enable_range_search' => true,
            'is_date_field' => true,
    'end_range_date_entered' =>
        array (
            'query_type' => 'default',
            'enable_range_search' => true,
            'is_date_field' => true,
    'range_date_modified' =>
        array (
            'query_type' => 'default',
            'enable_range_search' => true,
            'is_date_field' => true,
    'start_range_date_modified' =>
        array (
            'query_type' => 'default',
            'enable_range_search' => true,
            'is_date_field' => true,
    'end_range_date_modified' =>
        array (
            'query_type' => 'default',
            'enable_range_search' => true,
            'is_date_field' => true,

Please Note I have custom module named ā€œpeopleā€ (I created this and deleted prefix, sure it was working and right now I have another unprefixed custom modules that havenā€™t any problem with search)