Global Search in Default Themes Header Problem


i went to admin - global search, and added Products and product categories.

But when i search it doesnt display any products tells me no results found etc.

I have done a Admin - Repair and cleared my CACHE :frowning:


Do you have products that match the search value?

Can you show some screen shots?



Hi Will,

Please find attached screenshots

Kind Regards,


have you tried the Standart Search an Wildcards?

I am new to SuiteCRM how does that work?


you can go to Admin - Settings and uncheck the AOD in AOD Search. To use the AOD Search, the cronjob must work to ensure that the records can be indexed.

I see that you are using Bitnami stack.

Test your search results with the standard. A wildcard you set with % - you can also in the config file set the wildcard search by default by you is the entry from false to true.

If this works, you need to learn how the Scheduler and Cron job is working to use the AOD search.


How do you setup a cronjob on localhost? also how do i use the wildcard. what do i need to setup?



Cronjob is now setup as i have installed on my server etc added index and index_event inside global search plus products and product categories, but when i search for a product name it is still returning no RESULTS.

I have also went into phpmyadmin inside the aod tables and theres no results of it in there either.

Hi, does anyone of you have Skype? so can get some help on this search :frowning: as it just doesnt seem to be working, and this is something we need urgently


Hi Aaron,

If you are having issues with AOD, simply navigate to Admin -> AOD Settings and disable it.

If you get time, check your error logs, check the scheduler to see if it is running.



Hi Will,

I disabled it and search results still wasnt working.

I asked my server to setup the CRONJOB for me yesterday so they did as i logged in and checked, but SuiteCRM says: its Never Run?

Also if you look here: this is what phpmyadmin displays:

$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘users’] … not OK [ Documentation ]
$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘usergroups’] … not OK [ Documentation ]
Configurable menus: Disabled

$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘navigationhiding’] … not OK [ Documentation ]
Hide/show navigation items: Disabled

$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘savedsearches’] … not OK [ Documentation ]
Saving Query-By-Example searches: Disabled


Server have checked logs and no errors and it looks like the Cron is running. but SuiteCRM isnt picking it up :frowning:

Have you put the crontab line in that is specified in Admin -> Schedulers?

Yes. i have setup Cronjob not Cronttab, does it need to be a crontab? as i have a dedicated server with Linux and using Cpanel

Also if i switch off AOD then the search for products on global search still doesnt work.

Did you want me to send you admin access so you can take a look please?

Hi, have some progress,

my cron has not RUN as it shows the log of it etc in backend.

but when i search product by using the search in the header still showing no results?

If your cron has not run, then there is still an issue.

Search just works, so I don’t see how you are having so many issues.

If you are searching on a custom field(created in studio for example), it’s not going to show the result as custom fields are not in global search by default(but are in AOD).



Hi Will,

In Global Search theres Products / Product Categories i am using global search in header to try and search for products


Hi Aaron,

What field are you searching on? Is it a standard field, or a custom field?

