For my contact module I encrypted some fields that I am ecnrypting in a logic hook when I create or edit them and decrypt when it is viewed, it is AES encryption. But I am having truoble adding those fields to global search. Any leads on that? where can I encrypt/decrypt search related to specifici fields in the global search?
I don’t see how search could be combined with encrypted fields… You wouldn’t be able to index the data. Your only option would be to load and decrypt the data record by record …
A simple option can be to add another field in the search area, or you can use the same one, with any checkbox. So when this checkbox is checked, you can encrypt the search text and then can send to the global search code.
So instead of decrypt each record, just encrypt the search text and then do the search. So you can do it for selected modules as well. You have to modify core files as well
Yes I changed SearchForm2.php and checked if these fields are so and so then encrypt the data and compare. It works for now, but it is exact match search becuase it wont match even if the case is not the same.