Global advanced search not working

Our global search is not working. Log has this error: Exception in Controller: Unsupported segments file format

When I try to search using the global search all I get is an almost empty page where there’s a link to use the basic search. When I click that it works

So the problem should be in the Advanced Search.

Suite Version 7.7.9

Wow, that’s an OLD version… what’s keeping you from upgrading?

There is a bunch of stuff about AOD indexing in this post, maybe some of it might help you:

There are older ones. I’m new here so I hope I can talk them into upgrading everything. Though I’m sure it won’t be that easy especially if we jump straight to the latest version of the suite. Thank you for the link.

Here is faster way of searches.just google like box, type in and results are appearing.

Easy configuration options with an option of modules with search criteria like include anywhere or exact matches