Getting Synology NAS working with Docker

I am a Linux-phobe (sorry if that offends :slight_smile:) and I am trying to get the Bitnami docker installed and running on Synology DSM 6.2. I get that I have to pass variables and configure ports and so on, but I am struggling to fathom out even the basics of this.

Can anyone help me with how to configure the docker and DSM to get it working?

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Hi @dandrews,

Welcome to the community! :tada:

I would be happy to assist you, however, due to the nature of your question I feel you may get a more constructive answer by posting on the Bitnami Community Forums

They also have lots of additional documentation that may be of assistance. For example - Troubleshooting Bitnami Stacks

Give it a go and let us know how you get on!

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Thanks. Unfortunately, the Bitnami forums are not so easy to use. I wondered if anyone had a step-by-step guide to installing SuiteCRM on Docker (ideally on a Synology NAS, but I guess the issues are similar?) so I could get going quickly?

I use SuiteCRM on Synology with DSM 6.2. I didn’t have a lot of problems with it. I installed SuiteCRM on:

  • Apache 2.2
  • PHP 7.3
  • MariaDB 10

I found only one problem with timeout on nginx which work as proxy for Apache. But I fixed it easy.

Thanks. As a newbie to docker it would be really helpful if there was a brief intro to the end to end process. Can you help me with that? I’m starting from a very low Linux knowledge base

I don’t use docker for Suite. I don’t understand how docker can help to work with Suite.

This seemed to be one way people could get lightweight installs of Suite on a device like a NAS. The idea seems to be that it makes management easier…

How would you recommend running Suite on a NAS like a Synology? It’s an x64 box and could run a VM. SugarCRM has an already-packaged app for Synology, which would be the best way of running it, but there isn’t one for Suite.

I never had problems to use Suite without virtual machine if you use Suite in one company.
If you want to use Suite for accounts of different companies may be to use virtual machine it’s a good decision.

Hi @dandrews,

Have you given this docker image a try? -
Instructions provided look correct however I personally would prefer using mount instead of a volume.

Just as a general over view;

  • 2 Containers - SuiteCRM Container & Mariadb container
  • Both connected with a network
  • Both using mounts to create a persistence data location on the host and on the container itself.

Let me know if you need any assistance.

@pgr Might be worth us throwing together something for the docs site at some point to explain this better :slight_smile:


@Mac-Rae I’m not very used to Docker, and I don’t know much about it. The experience I have with it was all on the Discourse project, not SuiteCRM…

So if you write that tutorial I’ll be the first to study it :nerd_face:


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Hi. I have tried the Bitnami image. I guess the problem is that I don’t understand the way Docker works that would allow me to join up the dots. If there was a step-by-step guide that would get me (and others) going more quickly. And learn a little Docker in the process. Otherwise I have to learn Docker - perhaps my Christmas project!

Any help for a newbie appreciated.

Hi @dandrews,

I’ll see if i can find some time before the new year (Preferably much sooner) and write up to the best of my knowledge a simple docker setup for SuiteCRM and we can go from there.

Definitely suggest going through a bit of hands on learning with docker if thats the software you’ll be using, its a really interesting software and you unlock a lot you can do with it when you understand the basics.

Thanks Mac-Rae. I have spent some time looking at this and I’m struggling. Basically, the way docker setup is discussed in, e.g., the Bitnami setup description and the way it is presented in the Synology instance are sufficiently different that I can’t figure out what’s needed to get it working. For example, I’m failrly sure that mariadb can be used but how you link them, what volumes mean, etc., is beyond me.

Any help gratefully received.
