Getting Set Up. Have Some Questions.

Iā€™m in the process of migrating to SuiteCRM. Over the past six months I have evaluated TONS of CRM systemsā€¦ Including the heavy hitters. Even if it wasnā€™t open source Suite would stand head and shoulders above everything else Iā€™ve seen.

Currently Iā€™m getting everything prepared before I start migrating. Currently Iā€™m on Highrise (Ugh).

1.) Iā€™m working on a Softaculous install. For whatever reason I was never able to get the permissions right with a manual install. My concern is what will happen when itā€™s time to update.

Is it best to do the updates through Softaculous as well? Has anyone had problems with this method? Will I break anything if I do a manual update on a Softaculous install?

2.) I want to backup my data every night. Ideally Iā€™d like to do a backup of my database and all SuiteCRM files and have them uploaded to my Dropbox account. Is there an extension that will allow this? (I have scheduler up an running just fine.)

3.) Iā€™d like to set up an email dropbox for automatic email archiving. Iā€™d rather not manually archive every email I send and receive. Does the old ā€œEmail to Sugarā€ script still work with Suite? Does Suite have any auto-archiving functionality? Is any planned?

4.) I have relationship issuesā€¦ (Yes, feel free to make a joke!)

I want to be able so assign Opportunities to leads. When those leads are converted to Contacts, they should still be associated with those same Opportunities. Every Lead and Contact should be able to be associated with multiple Opportunities. Every Opportunity should be able to be associated with multiple contacts.

I understand defining relationships in Studio. My concerns are:

  • First, making sure that when I convert leads to contacts that we donā€™t lose the opportunity relationshipsā€¦

  • Second, making sure that any notes / emails associated with the opportunity are also associated with the appropriate lead / contact

  • Third, finding a way to auto-archive emails so theyā€™re associated with both the appropriate Opportunities and Leads / Contacts.

I know thatā€™s a lot. Thanks in advance for your advice! :slight_smile:

Alsoā€¦ While Iā€™m asking questionsā€¦

I do mostly B2C work. Most of my customers donā€™t need accounts attached to them. How can I convert a lead into a contact without requring an account?

Alrightā€¦ Iā€™ve answered a lot of my own questions.

1.) Email to Sugar still works. Thereā€™s no documentation though. Ugh.

2.) I found a PHP script on CodeCanyon that will do backups the way I want.

3.) I have a much more clear understanding of how the relationships work. Weā€™re fine now. :slight_smile:


1.) Am I in a world of hurt if I use Softaculous? Whatā€™s the reccomended upgrade process for Softaculous installs?

2.) When converting a lead to a contact, how can I make having an account optional? I canā€™t find an option in Studio to do this.

Seriously? Nobody knows how to make the account non-required when converting a lead into a contact?

I did a Google search but all the answers are for Sugar Pro. Nothing for CE.

ā€œSeriously? Nobody knows how to make the account non-required when converting a lead into a contact?ā€

Hi Matthew, did you end up resolving this issue?

No I did not. I ended up making EVERYONE a contact. I added a custom field to define whether that contact is a Prospect or a Customer.

This is an ongoing problem thoughā€¦ Iā€™m setting up Mautic, which pushes new leads directly to the ā€œLeadsā€ module in SuiteCRM. Ughā€¦

So I figured it would be worth asking one more timeā€¦ Does anyone know how to make the account optional when converting a lead to a contact?

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Hi Mathew,

For me, setting ā€˜required = falseā€™ under the Accounts section in custom/modules/leads/metadata/convertdefs.php works.

$viewdefs[ā€˜Accountsā€™][ā€˜ConvertLeadā€™] = array(
ā€˜requiredā€™ => false,

i also commented out ā€˜default_actionā€™ => ā€˜createā€™,

FYI see other related post at

Iā€™ve been evaluating a lot of CRM system too and again recently after a year with SuiteCRM.

Iā€™ve recently relocated SuiteCRM to the Google Cloud Platform via the Bitnami Launchpad. The performance gain is incredible so Iā€™m happy to say that the time and investment was worth it. Still working out a couple kinks though.