Get Inactive Company


Can we track on company module who is not showing any activity?
Like for example that company is not been getting call from our side nor they are calling us. They have not bought any sale / services from us. Any user has not get in touch with that company from few months/years.
Can we make report for getting list of those company?

Thanks & Regards,
Manthan Patel

This will require some custom work, but yes, it should be possible.

Maybe you can consider having some custom fields to help you track these things. For example, if you add a custom field “last contacted date” to the account, and update it automatically (with a workflow or logic hook) whenever a call is made, then you will have a useful field to filter and sort your reports on accounts.

The same approach can be used for other kinds of interactions and you can combine several factors in your Reports.

Hi pgr,

Let me explain you what i have done.
Have created a filed in account module name last connected and assigned it to the default value of today.
After that created a workflow for call module which run on save without any condition.
For action on the account module, i have modified the record based on ID on Related ID field & changed the last connected date to Today’s.

Now on creating a call log for a specif account, my last connected filed is getting update to todays day.

Just want to make sure that what i have implemented is correct or not. Also for every module i have to created a similar workflow.

If it works, it should be ok. :slight_smile:

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