GDPR Report Button

I just read an info piece published by the realtimeCRM folks and they bragged about a ‘GDPR’ button on their app that prints a PDF with all the info of a contact.

I was thinking something like that might be handy for SuiteCRM also. Perhaps it would create a report for an account including all sub-accounts and contacts, but only displaying relevant information such as would be regulated by the GDPR, and disregarding things like cases or internal notes.

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Thanks for the suggestion!

We have a few things on the roadmap that would be nice additional GDPR features. A collated report/view is one of them.

As the 25th is fast approaching, is there any form of ETA on specific elements that are contained within your GDPR Features Roadmap please?


Our deadline for GDPR was a few months ago, with the 7.10.0 release, since we needed to provide the software changes before companies could provide their GDPR policy changes.

So these things that were not included then were considered non-mandatory. Although I have seen a lot of discussion about what GDPR really demands… it’s worded as vague lawyer babble…

So don’t expect anything new before the 25th in terms of GDPR features.

If you need help coming up with reports in other ways (directly from the database, for example) I can try helping out.