full_name should only consist of salutation + last name

Hi folks,

I don’t have any experience with coding and need your help.

I want to change the full_name of my contacts, which consist of salutation + first name + last name to only the salutation + last name.
By doing this, I can use this variable to send emails.

Dear Mr. Smith sounds better than Dear Mr. John Smith in my opinion.

Where can I change this? I guess I only need to delete the first_name variable somewhere.

And after I have changed this, how do I update it for my existing contacts?

I am very grateful for any help solving this…

Best regards,

In the Email template you can simply use the variables for

Salutation + Last name

and leave out the first name.

And of course, you don’t have to use “Full name”.

I forgot to say: I am using an external Newsletter-Tool, not the integrated email-module.
And the problem is, that it cannot import the salutation, only the first name, last name and full name. Therefore I would like to change the function of the full name field to only salutation or salutation + last name.

I’m sorry, then I don’t know how to help you…