From Local to the Cloud ?

I have now my SuiteCRM 7.5 on the C local (Win10) drive and wonder how to proceed, if
I upload it to the Cloud.

How to do this ??


Is it installed and running on the windows machine or is it just the files you have on the windows machine?

It is installed and daily working on it , but I need it consider if cloud is more attractive, sothat other users can also work with the

You just need to export your database and import it onto your cloud hosting database then copy over all the files from your local instance to the www folder of your hosting then update the config.php file with the new URL and database connection details. Set permissions and once logged in do a quick repair and rebuild and that should be it.


Thanks, for reply. I now have Crystal Reports 2013 working on Local C; SuiteCRM, if I upload it to the cloud the database, can i still work with
Crystal Report via ODBC or similar driver… or an other complex-calculating fields Report writer.
