Fresh 7.2.2 install issues

Fresh Install our KVM server with cPanel / softaculous on CloudLinux. No previous experience with any of it… took me all weekend to setup. My eyeballs still hurt from all the screen time :blink:

We are a small service provider that would like to use suiteCRM with our UC on freeSWITCH. We want to use it internally for us first, then offer it to our customers. that is why i chose the cPanel option… to scale up after we figure this config out. We will also need an integration to freeSWITCH, i see quite a few asterisk modules.

After jumping through many hoops:

  1. mySQLi setting in cPanel
  2. changing cPanel to allow PHP version per domain. Default was 5.4. Now using 5.3, working much better now.
  3. turning of ajax in the system settings.
  4. PHP memory settings - the ones i could find.

Now I not sure why but it still seems some of the page data is still missing? I can’t find how to get back to the systems setting page… or the import page. It seems a few things are still broken.

Is there a log file to check or something to tell if I’m missing something here?

Any help would be appreciated!

How much is the support / integration running? anyone had any experience with any of the people listed?

Thank you.

The guys at softaculous found the issue… mbstring was not enabled in the apache extensions. everything is working now.