Frech install SuiteCRM 8.5 error : public/api/graphql missing

It is my first installation of SuiteCRM, based on the 8.5 zip downloaded, and used on a Windows 10 /apache/PHP7.4 server

When I launch the public/ directory for a fresh install, I have a blank page, with the browser console indicating “POST http://localhost/s/public/api/graphql 404 (Not Found)”

Indeed, there is no api/graphql/ directory in '/public/.
And what seems tricky for me is that I have also downloaded a bitnami container of 8.4 version on Debian which seems to work in a VirtualBox VM. And when I browsed the /public/ directory on this Debian VM , there is also no api/graphql/ directory in '/public/.

Thank you in advance for your help

Hi, welcome to the community! :tada:

Did you follow the installation instructions regarding mod_rewrite?

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Thanks a lot, mod_rewrite was activated but the instructions for “AllowOverride All / Order Allow,Deny /
Allow from All” were not in the apache config. It seems to be OK now.

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Also, upgrade PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.2 it’s the minimum supported version of PHP on Suite 8.5.

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