I’m using the rest interface to access our suite-crm instantiation (hosted at sales agility), and I need to get the line-items that belong to a contract. I do however only get empty lists back, while when I look in the gui, the contract does clearly have line-items. My call goes like this:
The link_field_name shouldn’t be the module name but the name of the link to that module in AOS_Contracts. This can be found in AOS_Contracts/vardefs.php.
Try replacing the link_field_name with aos_contracts_aos_products_quotes.
Not sure what else could be wrong. Could you try adding in the ‘offset’ and ‘limit’ fields? If this doesn’t work it may be worth trying the ‘get_entry’ call and using the ‘link_name_to_fields_array’ parameter.
Could you also provide an example of the return you are getting?