filters account by contacts

Hi to all, i’ve a question about filtering. There is a way to filter account by a specific contacts?
account a: has in contacts module “contacts a” and “contacts b”
account b: has in contacts module “contacts a” and “contacts c”
account c: has in contacts module “contats b” and “contacts c”

i want to filter all the account that has “contacts a”. there is a way to do that?

No, sorry.

In a Report, maybe - you’d have to try. But if you want it in the app so you can then edit the records after filtering, the answer is no.

Can be achieved with custom code, as always. But don’t ask me how, I don’t know :slight_smile:

There are sites explaining how to add custom queries to list views, for example. You can start from that.

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yea actually i want like that. so have to find custom code to make it