Filtering, select inactive user for "Assigned To"


Is there any way to view & select inactive users in the user filters? For quotes & reports etc.
We have a few employees that have left us in the past year. Those users still have old quotes & opportunities under their accounts. When we go to make a report we have no way to set a condition to select those users.



Look at the post:

You can make special filter it you write correct SQL query in parameter subquery

Thanks for that, but my problem is the inactive users aren’t showing in the quick search results to filter. When I make a general search then quotes belonging to inactive users appear in the list. But if I want to search for an inactive users quotes specifically, I have no way to specify that user.

if I search with absolutely no criteria, it still only shows active users

It’s more easier.

  1. copy modules/Users/metadata/popupdefs.php to custom/modules/Users/metadata/popupdefs.php
  2. change the line in the custom file
  • before
'whereStatement'=> " users.status = 'Active' and users.portal_only= '0'",
  • after
'whereStatement'=> " users.portal_only= '0'",
  1. Admin -> Repair -> Quick Repair and Rebuild

That solved it, thanks.

I figured it would be a simple change like that, I just didn’t know where to look