Filter won't save

I’m using SuiteCRM 7.8.5 and in the config.php file I’ve set save_query to ‘yes’. If I apply a filter all shows correctly and the button shows up that indicates that a filter is set. If I hover over the button it shows me a popup with the field that’s filtered on.

If I browse away to another page, and go back to the Accounts module again (where I’d just applied the filter), the filter active buttons still shows, but it shows me ALL Accounts, not a filtered list. Also, when I hover over the Filter button it shows the following code:

function (){return(!this.length)?0:this.slice(1).sum()+
((typeof this[0]=='number')?this[0]:0);}

So somehow this filter isn’t applied correctly the 2nd time I go back to the Accounts listview page. Any thoughts?