File config.php and config_override.php missing

Hi Folks,

I have downloaded the SuiteCRM 7.10.6 version from and I have paste in my web server and extract at required location.

But as per the fresh installation process, we need the give permission via following command:
sudo chmod -R 775 config_override.php 2

But I didn’t get these file after extracting, and neither I am able to open the SuiteCRM in my browser, it throwing 404 error.

Kindly help.


They are generated after you have run the install script so you will have to issue that command both before and after the installation


What do you meany by “after you have run install script”.
I am not able to access the application via browser, but it is throwing error:

The requested URL /suitecrm10 was not found on this server.

Could you please suggest, what I need to check on the same.


How precisely are you trying to access the application?

Have you set permissions before running the install script? What command did you use?

Have you run the install script? With what command?

Have you set again permissions after running the install script? What command?

Read manual: