I do see that there is a Time folder with the required scripts in /include/SugarFields/Fields/Time. But I have no ideas on how to activate this field type in Studio, let alone use it.
I have tried creating a datetime field in the Contacts module and then editing the detailviewdefs.php and editviewdefs.php in /custom/modules/Contacts/metadata/ to add ‘type’ => ‘Time’ to the field attribute array. But all that resulted in was a blank output next to the field in the Detail and Edit layouts.
Please help me get the time field type working. I am sure many others will face the same issue.
Just one clarification: by “activate this field type in Studio”, I mean “make this field type available in Studio”. Surely, don’t want people to get lost on the terminology
Thanks for replying. As I mentioned in the first post, there already exists a field type of time in /include/SugarFields/Fields/Time. But I am not sure how to utilize this field type. Am I missing something?
Ah, ok. In that case, would you be so kind to get me started with creating a “Time” field from scratch, please?
EDIT: I imagine this is in the list of most requested features since it’s not present already. Have you or somebody you know happened to work on this for any deployments that Sales Agility did?
This is not a feature that has been requested by SuiteCRM users but would be a welcome contribution to SuiteCRM(post this in the suggestion box). We are working on a bug fix release(7.0.2) to be released hopefully next week. SuiteCRM 7.1 will be released at the end of January with new features such as social integration.
Did you ever figure out how to add a time field?
We need a time field to use in our workflow conditions. We want certain actions to performed at certain times each day.
A datetime field would not work in this case.
Did you ever figure out how to add a time field?
We need a time field to use in our workflow conditions. We want certain actions to performed at certain times each day.
A datetime field would not work in this case.
add TextField to your custom module in ModuleBuilder
change ‘type’ attribute from ‘varchar’ to ‘time’ of your field in vardefs.php of you custom module in custom/modulebuilder/packages/PACK_NAME/modules/MODULE_NAME/vardefs.php