Field Labels Won't Change (Suite 7.8)

I’ve been on last version of Suite before being forced to change themes from SuiteR to SuiteP. I never had this issue until recently. I can’t change any of the field labels in Studio. I found the label definition in more than one place. For Tasks for example the only file that the changes stick when I change it is the en_us.Tasks* file in Extension/modules/Tasks/Ext/Language/. Interestingly that file wasn’t even there until today when I was trying various methods of getting changes to stick, clearing cache, editing the other files, quick repair.

Here’s the frustrating part. If I change the character length on a field definition I lose ALL my changes I made today and it reverts back to the last changes I made months ago including layout changes. There appears to be a php file with a date in the filename. When this happens the system copies the contents of that file and adds at the top “this is an auto generated file”.

Is there a fix to get studio working again as far as saving field labels? If not, what files do I need to edit and how can I “LOCK IN” my field and layout definition changes once made to those files. Please don’t tell me on the field definitions, at least the labels I have to also edit each indidual PHP file for each field that begins with _override located in /Extension/modules/Tasks/Ext/Vardefs/?

I’ve used Suite for years and years and been on this version for 4 years and never ran into this problem until now.

Interesting. A Quick Repair after editing the field length restored everything back to normal.