Few schedulers got loss when we migrated from sugarcrm 6.5.18 to suitecrm 7.1.8

Hi All,

We migrated from sugarcrm ce 6.5.18 to suitecrm 7.1.8.
but the schedulers list show only the below ones, loss the other schedulers in schedulers list view…

Run AOW WorkFlow As often as possible. 01/01/2005 02:45am - 12/31/2020 06:59pm Active
Perform Lucene Index On the hour; 12:00am 01/01/2005 06:15am - perpetual Active
Optimise AOD Index On the hour; Every 3 hours 01/01/2005 06:15am - perpetual Active
Prune Tracker Tables On the hour; 02:00am; 1st 01/01/2005 03:30am - 12/31/2020 06:59pm Active

can you guys help me on this…



What happens if you run a Repair/Rebuild from the Admin > Repair Menu?

If this does not help, go into your database and check the “Schedulers” table, how many records are in the table?

Hi John,

I was tried the repair. it was not showed, i didnt check database.
then I was delete db,files and folder and reconfigure old instance from my back up(old sugar ce) and trigger the upgrade wizard again, repair and rebuild execute…
this time it was fine…

when tried in first attempt i experienced a 1000 max qury limit error.
In the second attempt i was managed this error.

but in the last step we used to get an error, any idea on this
