[FATAL] Job xxxx (Check Inbound Mailboxes) failed in CRON run

Hello. Iā€™m having an issue where the cron for checking inbound e-mail inboxes fails every run and generates this message in the log file.

All other e-mail functions in SuiteCRM are working. Iā€™m having this problem from a fresh install, and have had this problem with every single fresh install since 7.2. Iā€™m bringing it up now because Iā€™m trying to use the cases module to itā€™s full potential, and I canā€™t generate new cases or updates until I can get this fixed.

I have SuiteCRM installed on an ubuntu server. Incoming/Outgoing mail credential tests passed, all folder/file permissions are correct (both in config.php and manually) and Iā€™ve run multiple repair/rebuilds. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

Nobody can help or has a suggestion? Iā€™ve had this issue with every fresh SuiteCRM installation from 7.2 to 7.5.1. Running on Ubuntu server 14.04.

I upgraded from 7.4.3 to 7.5.1 and all cron jobs fail. This was working prior to the upgrade. Also, not sure if this is related, I get a blank page when I go to Admin Schedule. My lof file also shows the following:

[08-Feb-2016 18:46:06 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare processAOW_Workflow() (previously declared in /home/teamscor/public_html/crm.teamscoring.com/modules/Schedulers/_AddJobsHere.php:739) in /home/teamscor/public_html/crm.teamscoring.com/custom/modules/Schedulers/Ext/ScheduledTasks/scheduledtasks.ext.php on line 34

[08-Feb-2016 18:46:06 America/New_York] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of SugarEmailAddress::save() should be compatible with SugarBean::save($check_notify = false) in /home/teamscor/public_html/crm.teamscoring.com/include/SugarEmailAddress/SugarEmailAddress.php on line 1113

Any suggestions?

Itā€™s now working for me. I renamed the file custom/modules/Schedulers/Ext/ScheduledTasks/scheduledtasks.ext.php and the cron jobs now run and the Admin Schedules now appears. My incoming emails are also coming in like before.

Hopefully this will help someone else avoid the frustration Iā€™ve had for an entire day.

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Thanks @eradincrm,

Iā€™ve just noticed the same problem and this pointed me in the right direction. I haven;t been using WorkFlow, so hadnā€™t seen any errors in the log - just a blank screen going to Schedulers.

However note that the file you have renamed is the file non-edit file created internally, and this file will be recreated if you perform a Quick Repair & Rebuild. So you actually need to delete/rename the file ā€˜custom/Extension/modules/Schedulers/Ext/ScheduledTasks/aow_workflow.phpā€™

I tried checking through the code a little bit (using a new installation as comparison), and see that the function defined in aow_worflow.php above is now put into a file under the main modules section ā€˜modules/Schedulers/_AddJobsHere.phpā€™, so have a feeling that it is fairly safe deleting the customisations.

I believe that SalesAgility (and it would be nice if someone internal commented) have made a decision to integrate their own modules more with the original SugarCRM code, rather than integrating is as customisations - a good decision IMO, but one which will lead to problems getting older installations in sync. So in the upgrade from 7.4 to 7.5 a lot of files were moved out of the custom folders and put in main code. But a few things have not gone smoothly with the upgrade and so left holes like this.
(I also found a new error appearing due to a file ā€˜custom/modules/logic_hooks.phpā€™ referring to a bit of code at ā€˜custom/include/social/hooks.phpā€™ which in the new installation refers to ā€˜include/social/hooks.phpā€™ - again I don;t use social hooks so have made the change)

Now to start using AOW_WorkFlow and see if Iā€™ve actually mucked something up !!!

Thanks again.

Hi guys,

I was getting the same problem with the latest version fresh installation. I have resolved the issue. This was a core bug in one file. Actually very foolish bug :stuck_out_tongue: . Just follow these steps:-

  • Go to modules/Schedulers/_AddJobsHere.php file.
  • Edit it and find ā€œfunction pollMonitoredInboxesAOPā€.
  • Change its first line from require_once ā€˜custom/modules/InboundEmail/AOPInboundEmail.phpā€™;
    to require_once ā€˜modules/InboundEmail/AOPInboundEmail.phpā€™;

Thatā€™s all, I hope this will help you.


Robin Jassi

For me it helped to change the inbound email job from the AOP Job to the ā€œnormalā€ job.
Made an issue for that: https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/issues/962

I just tried to verify if i had the same issue with the latest hotfix branch.

OS: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
php version: 5.6.18

  1. Added 2 mailboxes, one is just importing the emails , the other mailbox creates cases.
  2. Checked incoming mails and both work.

So could you guys verify with the latest hotfix branch?

git clone -b hotfix https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM.git

Could you verify the problem on a 7.5.1 without hotfix?

gunnicom , i verified this with a clean 7.5.1 install and yes the issue exists.
However since it is working in the hotfix branch i assume that Salesagility is already informed that there was an issue with this.
To have it double checked by you and robinjassi was a good confirmation that the bug was already fixed in the hotfix branch.

So to repeat my question, can you please verify with the hotfix branch and keep us informed?

Hi all,

I believe this is a duplicate of the following which I have already commented on with link to solution:


Ok there is the fix proposed in: https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/issues/903
and that seems to be included in the hotfix branch so yes, it should be fixed in hotfix.

My inbound mail job is failing and I am confused by all of the fixes proposed on this page.

What should we be doing to fix this issue?

What did you rename the file to?

If your referring to


Anything, so it doesnā€™t run like scheduledtasks.ext.php.org

Yes, I was. I forgot to use quote feature.

I also used:
Go to modules/Schedulers/_AddJobsHere.php file.

  • Edit it and find ā€œfunction pollMonitoredInboxesAOPā€.
  • Change its first line from require_once ā€˜custom/modules/InboundEmail/AOPInboundEmail.phpā€™;
    to require_once ā€˜modules/InboundEmail/AOPInboundEmail.phpā€™;
    to get this working again.

Maybe some more QA on the next releaseā€¦ :slight_smile:
