Fatal Error

Hi all,

Am new to SuiteCRM, apache, etc.

Am hoping someone is able to give me some guidance on this. (message below)

Recieved an error message in final stage of install. Any thoughts?

Thank you in advance for your help and time.


Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Could not connect to the database. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details (2). in C:\xampp\htdocs\HoodleCRM\include\utils.php:1773 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\HoodleCRM\include\database\MysqliManager.php(312): sugar_die(ā€˜Could not conneā€¦ā€™) #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\HoodleCRM\include\database\DBManagerFactory.php(147): MysqliManager->connect(Array, true) #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\HoodleCRM\include\utils.php(3333): DBManagerFactory::getInstance() #3 [internal function]: sugar_cleanup() #4 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\HoodleCRM\include\utils.php on line 1773

ā€œAt the final stageā€: where exactly is this?

Iā€™m guessing youā€™re just after the screen where you give your Database credentials, and nothing happened on the database yet. But if Iā€™m wrong, and you saw messages saying ā€œCreating tablesā€, please tell me.

You probably just need to get your database credentials right.

Host address should be ā€œlocalhostā€
Username will be some XAMPP default like ā€œadminā€, or whatever you created when installing XAMPP
Password is obvious

You can check install.log for more errors and messages.

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Correct. It was just after the credentials/ setup page that the install locked up.

Am not certain how to get access to the credentials page again, to fix it.

Is there a link? What am I missing?

Thanks very much for your help.


You just try the installation again by navigating to the page ā€œinstall.phpā€ on your server, like you did the first time.

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Excellent. Thank you.