Fatal error: Out of memory

Installation of version 7.1.2 on webspace

My Installation stopped with the following error message:

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 49545216) (tried to allocate 14431713 bytes) in /homepages/19/d520692104/htdocs/suitecrm/modules/Administration/SugarSpriteBuilder.php on line 471

do you have any suggestions what to do to get the system running?

Hi there,

It seems your memory limit is fairly low. Please try adjusting your memory_limit in your php.ini file to 128MB, 256MB or 512MB and restart your apache service(“sudo service apache2 restart” or similar) if possible. If not, contact your host and they may be able to adjust.



Thank you for the help. I insert a new php.ini in the suitecrm directory adjusting the limit to 256M and it’s working.

best regards

[color=#ff0000]HI guys… I have the same exact problem. Apparently my server’s memory limit is set to 64MB too. I will need to ask my host provider to increase it…

Wiill one question… How much memory is needed fo installation? You said 128, 256 or 512 but what is the actual minimum requierement to have this installed and more important to keep it running?


Hi this is dependent on the users.

so the installation documentation says 256MB is the basic required, chances are it will run with less but its not recommended.


The guide for SugarCRM which apply for SuiteCRM also can be found here.


Hi guys, I still cannot complete the installation.

I have setup the memory limit to 512MB.

Please find attached phpinfo and install.log files.

I do not know what else to do. Could you please help?

Hi Gvallejo,

your memory limit in phpinfo looks correct however the screenshot of SuiteCRm is showing that the memory limit is 61mb so something is overriding the 512 limit.

might be worth looking at any .htaccess files as it can be overriden in this.


or maybe trying to override it in the suitecrm folder using htaccess and seeing if that fixes the problem.