include/SugarTheme/SugarTheme.php Line 870 is logging Fatal errors in the php error log, because $GLOBALS[‘log’] is empty.
$GLOBALS['log']->warn("Image $imageName not found");
The reason why it’s trying to log that error, is because there are five missing images.
GLOBALS[log] is empty in SugarTheme::getImageURL(). Warning Image slider_button_more.png not found
GLOBALS[log] is empty in SugarTheme::getImageURL(). Warning Image slider_button_less.png not found
GLOBALS[log] is empty in SugarTheme::getImageURL(). Warning Image horizBg.png not found
GLOBALS[log] is empty in SugarTheme::getImageURL(). Warning Image star-sheet.png not found
GLOBALS[log] is empty in SugarTheme::getImageURL(). Warning Image tabDownArrowOff.png not found
is empty. It should’ve been instantiated by the initialization code… There was a shortcut taken to not instantiate the logger and many other things, for image requests performance, but then obviously notices warnings and fatal errors couldn’t be logged when they need to be.
2. the 5 images are missing from the installer. They should either be added to the installer, or references to them should be removed from the css.