[FATAL] Error: File [modules/SavedSearch/metadata/editviewdefs.php] is missing

Hi team,

I am troubleshooting a sync error in suitecrem.log which shows as:

Thu Feb 17 00:32:10 2022 [1114559][1][FATAL] Error: File [modules/SavedSearch/metadata/editviewdefs.php] is missing. Unable to create because no corresponding HTML file was found.

This is generated in the suitecrm.log after the GrinMark Outlook sync ‘Relate to Contacts’ button is used.

I have checked the [modules/SavedSearch/metadata/ directory with WinSCP and cannot see the editviewdefs.php file in this directory.

However there are 3 files detailviewdefs.php, listviewdefs.php, SearchFields.php existing in the directory.

The API which is asking for this is GrinMark synch to Office 365 Outlook. When searching for Contacts to relate an email to, 0 records are found and the Fatal Error message appears in suitecrm.log.

Where can I get the “editviewdefs.php” file to place in the /modules/SavedSearch/metadata/ directory?

All assistance is appreciated.
