Failure after clean install of SuiteCRM 7.9.6

Warning: Declaration of PopupSmarty::setup($seed, $file = NULL, $where = NULL, $params = Array, $offset = 0, $limit = -1, $filter_fields = Array, $id_field = ‘id’) should be compatible with ListViewDisplay::setup($seed, $file, $where, $params = Array, $offset = 0, $limit = -1, $filter_fields = Array, $id_field = ‘id’, $id = NULL) in Suite796/SuiteCRM-7.9.6/include/Popups/PopupSmarty.php on line 46

Error occurs on popup to select a user.

The clean install has no data, so generated many errors
Adding a user and a role and a security group allows the select to work despite the above error on each select screen

Also installed a clean copy of 7.8.7, the stable version, but it has plenty of errors, too
Did anybody get an initial clean empty install to work without a raft of errors?

You forgot to say what OS you’re running, and which version of PHP. Both are relevant.

It’s normal (especially on WIndows with XAMPP) that you need to turn off error reporting so it works.

If that doesn’t work, I can also tell you how to fix the actual error, it’s easy, and then we can put the fix into the code. But I prefer to gather more information first.

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Hi whiterabit,

I’ve gone ahead and fixed this specific notice here. Pgorod’s comment regarding turning off error reporting would still be recommended however.


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Finally got around to testing invoices. The grand total calculation is off when the tax % value is zero,
Product total is correct and service line is added correctly
When you have shipping zero and shipping tax zero the grand total becomes an error.
These items are tax free and so I have to set the shipping to a non-zero value
if zero shipping then must set the shipping tax to non-zero.

Have you checked the Issues already open in GitHub? It’s possible that this might already be reported there…