Facing problem in adding new dropdown to contacts in SuiteCrm 8.6.1

I have installed SuiteCrm 8.6.1 using XAMPP on a local windows machine.
I am getting the following message whenever I try to create a new custom field in contacts.

Undefined array key “” in C:\xampp\htdocs\mitesh\SuiteCRM-8.6.1\public\legacy\modules\DynamicFields\templates\Fields\Forms\enum2.php on line 102
{“east”:{“title”:“Edit Field”,“crumb”:“”,“content”:"

Steps to replicate → admin panel-> studio →
Contacts → Fields → Add Field → DATA TYPE [DROPDOWN] . → as soon as dropdown is selected this error occurs and the page hangs. I am an .net developer and not very accustomed to php.
Similar error occurs even when DATA TYPE [radio] is selected.

Please guide. Thanks.

Check out this code:

Line 94:

// Adding a default empty list
$dropdowns[] = ‘’;

Thanks for the quick reply. I checked the file the code is there on Line 94.
The code that you mentioned $dropdowns[]=‘’ is already there. The files are exactly the same. I am still unable to understand what is to be done.

Did you find a solution? Check dropdown editor!

I solve this issue by change the array.

file in folder

at Line 101

“$key = $dropdowns[0];”

“$key = $dropdowns[1];”

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