Facing issue while uploading contact module data in SuiteCRM

I have made one (.csv) file to import in contact module it has around 3560 records there,
when I am trying to uplaod this file and i am getting this issue shown in below

Can any one tell how to solve this issue ,that so help full for me .


Usually it’s enough to deactivate the display of notices/warnings/deprecated messages in your php.ini.

@crmspace Thank you so much for your response .I did not get you ,

but here i am trying to uplaod around 3560 reocrds in contact modul but only 60 records are getting inserted into database(contact table) and to remaing this error is showing ,

could you plz help on it how can i upload (import in to contact modul )all this 3560 records at time with any issue .


You have problem with format data in the 61-th record. Look at the post. You can print to log-file some fields before import.

@p.konetskiy thanks for your response ,
I also thoughts same problem ,then I tried with 2 records to import with proper format ,In this case 1st record has been inserted and 2nd reocrd has given same issue with that pop which ever I mentioned in my above question,

the different between those two records is ,for first record i haven’t create any security groups ,to secord record i have been create security group .

Is that security group issue ? I have delete my security groups ?
here each record iam assigning particuler user .

Please help on it .



You can not import security group together with contact by default. They are different objects. If you want to do this you should write special code.


please help on it, what have to do ,first time I am importging data and I am new to this SuiteCRM.
I have aroud 10 users , in that some yours I have given role management like they can see only their data and remaining they can see their data and another user data also( which i have given only there data ) for this I have created security groups to see another user data .

In 3560 records all user information i assigned .

Here who ever they can see only their data is inserting properly ,the problem with which ever i have created secuity group those user only i am geting this issue I think so ,



I think that you can load the records with assignment to users.
After loading you should assign security groups for the records.

please put up this line to top of index.php , just after <?php tag.


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