Facebook Invalid Scopes: read_stream, publish_stream


I’ve tried to link Facebook to SuiteCRM earlier today but I get this error when trying to login to Facebook from SuiteCRM:
Invalid Scopes: read_stream, publish_stream

Anyone else experienced this problem?

I have read that read_stream is depreciated Link: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions

So I would think that is what is causing the error. I don’t know what can be done about it though…

I would really like to connect a facebook page messenger service or even just have my users public posts and be able to filter them.

Or have posts from certain groups I am in appear, possibly through a filter.

I found in this file: crm/include/social/facebook/facebook.class.php

function get_login_url($url){
    $params = array(
        'scope' => 'user_posts, publish_actions'

    return $this->facebook->getLoginUrl($params);

So I change it to:

function get_login_url($url){
    $params = array(
        'scope' => 'user_posts, publish_actions'

    return $this->facebook->getLoginUrl($params);

It works, but, even thou I can’t see posts of my users or post on my facebook profile


I don’t see what you’ve changed. Aren’t both code excerpts the same?

Eef Vreeland

Hi Eef

Sorry, I do it in my own server, not in github, you can do it in your own server to try, also I’ve found the bug reported on github, here:


But is not assigned to anyone since a month.

I haven’t time to see apache log for additional errors. Maybe other day I can take a look to it, and maybe I found what else is happening.

