Extend length of datatype URL

Is there an easy way to extend the current max length of data type URL ?
Currently the max length is 255. Text area length is huge, but cant be clicked on like a link.
Using URL to link to external S3 storage. Any ideas would help.

you can override

‘len’ => 255,

parameter in the URL type field to set it to bigger length. In DB its stored as varchar.

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Here is a sample for a similar case you might be interested on:


Thanks, works like a charm!

  1. file below is generated as a custom field

  2. Added custom length

 // created: 2021-01-16 04:17:03
$dictionary['Document']['fields']['storage_url_c']['labelValue']='Storage URL';
  1. Quick Repair & Rebuild
  2. May need to refresh by removing & adding back field in edit & detail layout.