Excel or LibreOffice

Hello Everyone,
i am currently working on a huge project and will like to know your thoughts about Excel and Libreoffice.
I want to import a huge table into suitecrm . The table has about 400 lines.
I tried with Excel but i realised that just about 95 lines are being imported into suitecrm . I tried several things to solve the problem but no solution.
I am thinkng about trying this import with libreoffice and before that i want to know if some people already tried libreoffice and if libreoffice in general is better than excel for the import.
I will be very happy to have some answers to this.
Thanks in advance

I don’t think the original application will make a difference. It will output a CSV, SuiteCRM won’t know where that data is coming from. At the most, there could be some minor formatting difference that changes something, but it’s a shot in the dark.

If I were you, I would focus on figuring out what exactly is failing in your import. Is it a problem of memory? Of PHP request time? Or is it something about line 95? What?

I think there is nothing wrong with line 95.
When i look at it there is no special sysmbol there to justify the problem.
What do you mean by memory and PHP request time please ?

I did the settings in such a way that crm can import more than 1000 lines. I thought this was the problem then i let it to 500 lines but it didn’t change something

Hey @pgr,
i tried a workaround with a texteditor (Notepad).
So i decided to divide the whole excel file into table of 50 lines each and then use motepad to upload them into suitecrm
It seems to work but the issue remaining is that after the import (and even on Notepad) some letters are been changed. That is words with letters like " ä, ü , ß " are been replaced by some symbols.
For example
Screenshot (4)

Is there a way to fix this issue in Notepad?

Use Notepad++ and try different encodings until you get it right.