Event details in (shared) calendar


I have a question wich I couln’t find an answer to in the forums.

I want to edit the calender items for events.
Now it shows the name of the event combined with the user the event is assigned to and I want it to just show the name of the event. (screenshot 1)

Further I want to change te fields that are shown in the (hover) pop-up of the events. (screenshot 2)

It now shows the name, dates, duration and location.
I want it to show some custom fields.



Are you a developer?

Have a look at this file

–> https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/blob/master/jssource/src_files/modules/Calendar/Cal.js

Look for stuff related to qtip. If necessary, browse the online documentation for FullCalendar, the 3rd party package we use for this.


Did you find a solution?

You can customize the popup:

Copy modules/FP_events/tpls/additionalDetails.body.tpl to custom/modules/FP_events/tpls/additionalDetails.body.tpl

Adapt this file to display your custom fields.

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I tried the above but it didn’t work.
I add a field in tpl file (in custom) but i don’t see it
Where do I find the $FIELD variable?
to study how it is loaded

Just in case the template is cached (I’m not sure), can you run Repair / Quick Repair?

The body is built by modules/FP_events/metadata/additionalDetails.php which itself uses include/utils/additional_details.php.

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