errors following upgrade to 7.1

I changed all the file permissions before upgrading to 7.1 as instructed elsewhere on this forum.

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /WEBROOT/PATH
sudo chmod -R 755 /WEBROOT/PATH
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

After the upgrade I am now getting the following in my root php error log.

error: directory is writable by others: (/home/user/public_html/crm/themes/Suite7/css)

Should the themes directory really be 775 and not 755?

I also have the following errors in my suitecrm php error log.

Sun Apr  6 14:41:57 2014 [775][9e743148-1692-cbf5-1441-531af35c2073][FATAL]  Query Failed:  ALTER TABLE aor_fields CHANGE function field_function VARCHAR( 100 ): MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'function' in 'aor_fields'
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugarcrm_copyright_logo.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file poweredby_sugarcrm_65.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugarcrm_login.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file poweredby_sugarcrm.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file install_themes.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file powered_by_sugarcrm.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file cube_bg.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugarsales_myarea.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Skipping unsupported image file type (13) for file SugarPlanet.swf
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar_md_open.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file suite_logo.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugarcrm_about_logo.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar_wizard_welcome.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file line.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file pdf_logo.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar-yui-sprites-grey.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file login-bg.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file SummationOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_DropDownEditor.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabGray.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file MatrixReport.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file poweredby_sugarcrm_65.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file RowsAndColumnsOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorSearchFields.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabOcher.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabOcher.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabPurple.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorMapOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTab.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorConfigOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:46 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file pdf_header_logo_SugarCRMheader.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file pdf_logo_small.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file chartBg.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabBlue.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorEnableOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file plug-in_Word.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabOff.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabGreen.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file SummationWithDetailsOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file pdf_header_logo_company_logo.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_package.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file plug-in_Outlook.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_new_package.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file SummationWithDetails.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabPurple.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file themePreview.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabGreen.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file RowsAndColumns.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file plug-in_Excel.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file MatrixReportOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file company_logo.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorEnable.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_package_create.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file dp-hd.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file layout_sprite.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabGray.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabBlue.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_Application.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file pdf_header_logo_pdf_header_logo_SugarCRMheader.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorConfig.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabRed.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabRed.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ModuleBuilder.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file plug-in_Lotus.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTab.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file Summation.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Skipping unsupported image file type (17) for file sugar_icon.ico
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar_icon.ico
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTab.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file bar_loader.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_SugarPortal.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_Studio.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorSearchFieldsOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorMap.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file dp-bd-top-menu.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file line.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:47 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file pdf_logo.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar-yui-sprites-grey.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file SummationOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_DropDownEditor.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabGray.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file MatrixReport.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file poweredby_sugarcrm_65.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file RowsAndColumnsOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorSearchFields.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabOcher.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabOcher.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabPurple.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorMapOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorConfigOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file pdf_header_logo_SugarCRMheader.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file pdf_logo_small.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar-yui-sprites.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabBlue.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorEnableOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabOff.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabGreen.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file SummationWithDetailsOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_package.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar-yui-sprites-purple.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file bgnoise.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_new_package.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file SummationWithDetails.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabPurple.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file themePreview.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabGreen.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file RowsAndColumns.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file MatrixReportOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorEnable.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_package_create.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file bigsuite.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabGray.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar-yui-sprites-red.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabBlue.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_Application.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file pdf_header_logo_pdf_header_logo_SugarCRMheader.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar-yui-sprites-green.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorConfig.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabRed.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabRed.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ModuleBuilder.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTab.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file Summation.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTab.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file bar_loader.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_SugarPortal.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_Studio.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorSearchFieldsOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorMap.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file line.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file pdf_logo.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar-yui-sprites-grey.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file SummationOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_DropDownEditor.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabGray.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file MatrixReport.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file RowsAndColumnsOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorSearchFields.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabOcher.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabOcher.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabPurple.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorMapOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorConfigOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file pdf_header_logo_SugarCRMheader.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file pdf_logo_small.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar-yui-sprites.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabBlue.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorEnableOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabOff.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabGreen.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file SummationWithDetailsOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_package.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar-yui-sprites-purple.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_new_package.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file SummationWithDetails.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabPurple.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file themePreview.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabGreen.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file RowsAndColumns.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file MatrixReportOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorEnable.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_package_create.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabGray.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar-yui-sprites-red.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabBlue.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_Application.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file pdf_header_logo_pdf_header_logo_SugarCRMheader.jpg
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar-yui-sprites-green.png
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorConfig.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTabRed.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTabRed.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ModuleBuilder.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file currentTab.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file Summation.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Skipping unsupported image file type (17) for file sugar_icon.ico
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file sugar_icon.ico
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file otherTab.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file bar_loader.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_SugarPortal.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_Studio.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorSearchFieldsOver.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file icon_ConnectorMap.gif
Sun Apr  6 14:42:48 2014 [4117][1][ERROR] Unable to process image file company_logo.png
Sun Apr  6 14:51:17 2014 [7354][1][ERROR] Unable to load custom logic file: include/SugarSearchEngine/SugarSearchEngineQueueManager.php

Note the FATAL error.

Is there anything to be concerned about here, or is this normal?

Only a guess but are you sure you have the GD libraries installed ? Still if it worked before the upgrade this shouldnā€™t have brokeā€¦

I donā€™t know what you mean by GD libraries, but I wasnā€™t getting these errors before the upgrade.

Now I get the following error repeatedly, I suspect it is linked to a cron job as it repeats every hourly sequences.

Mon Apr  7 17:15:03 2014 [12526][1][ERROR] Unable to load custom logic file: include/SugarSearchEngine/SugarSearchEngineQueueManager.php

Hi saturnus,

The upgrade to 7.1 has undone what you did here to fix it last time.



1 Like

Hi Bruce,

I must have missed the post notification email and just noticed your answer.

I never imagined that I would have to go back and fix the SugarFTSHooks.php bug which I had assumed would have been fixed in the update.

Thanks for the tip.

It would be nice to see this fixed in the next release.

This was fixed in the SuiteCRM 7.1.0. You need to ensure when you install/upgrade that your permissions are set correctly. If this file was not removed, your permissions were incorrect.


SugarFTSHooks.php wasnā€™t removed, it was replaced during the upgrade with a file that looked identical to the old buggy file. I had already commented out the code in the file prior to the upgrade and when I checked it now my comments were removed (i.e the conclusion I draw is that the file was replaced by a different file).

Out of interest do you know what is it about the Sugarcrm install that creates problems with the permissions? This is the only server side software that I have permission issues with.


Hi there,

During the upgrade, the SugarFTSHooks.php file in Custom -> Extension -> Application -> Ext -> LogicHooks should have been removed if permissions were correct, we have checked our git logs and this was definitely removed from the project.

In regards permissions, you need to ensure your config settings are correct as well as setting permissions on the files and folders in the server.




Which config settings are you referring to specifically?

I followed the guidelines here and I used the Upgrade Wizard.


Hi there,

ā€˜default_permissionsā€™ =>
array (
ā€˜dir_modeā€™ => 1517,
ā€˜file_modeā€™ => 420,
ā€˜userā€™ => ā€˜ā€™,
ā€˜groupā€™ => ā€˜ā€™,

You need to set all of these values in the array to those that are required for your OS/distribution.



1 Like

I assume those are in config.php.

Mine are

 'default_permissions' => 
  array (
    'dir_mode' => 493,
    'file_mode' => 420,
    'user' => '',
    'group' => '',

So I guess that could be the issue. I didnā€™t notice this in the documentation so thanks for the tip.

Where can I find what values are needed for my OS / distribution? Note I am on a shared server.


I couldnā€™t find any info about these parameters on this site but I did over at sugarcrm

There it states:

My host uses cPanel. You stated permissions of 1517 which is 2755 octal, I am guessing I should have 0755 from the above which is 493 decimal.

So I am adding the following to my conig_overide.php

$sugar_config['default_permissions']['dir_mode'] = 493;
$sugar_config['default_permissions']['file_mode'] = 420;

I guess I need to reinstall now.

Perhaps something about this could be added to the install documentation here at Suitecrm?


When I use the upgrade package 7.1.x to 7.1.1 from the downloads page (link ) the package is displayed as

The following upgrade packages are ready to be installed:

Name	  Type	Version	Date Published	        Uninstallable	Description
SuiteCRM  Patch	7.0.2	2014-01-17 17:00:00	No	        None

That seems strange to me. I have tried this a couple of times with the same result.

I deleted the old upgrade packages via the upgrade wizard and re-installed the 7.1.x to 7.1.1 package but the SugarFTSHooks.php file is still there. I had a look at the upgrade logs and there are some errors but it is not clear to me if they are significant. There were no errors flagged by the upgrade wizard at any time.

I have attached the logs in case they can shed any light on the issue.


Hi there,

Youā€™re downloading the correct upgrade, itā€™s unclear why it would show 7.0.2 as the version as I have uploaded that package and it states the version as 7.1.1. It could be related to a previously failed/partially successful installation/upgrade. What versions have you installed/upgraded from?



When I deleted the old packages in the area ā€œupgrade packages to be installedā€ and then uploaded the 7.1.1 package it was displayed correctly in that field. I canā€™t remember what version I was on before, but I was up-to date with the production releases.

Youā€™ll notice in the log that there were several upgrade attempts (all of which I thought worked). However there are errors in a couple of places but they were not flagged by the wizard. e.g.

Thu, 17 Apr 2014 14:10:40 +0200 [UpgradeWizard] - Running SQL file /home/user/public_html/crm/cache/upgrades/temp/gfTDWQ/scripts/65x_to__mysql.sql
Thu, 17 Apr 2014 14:10:40 +0200 [UpgradeWizard] - *** ERROR: Schema change script [/home/user/public_html/crm/cache/upgrades/temp/gfTDWQ/scripts/65x_to__mysql.sql] could not be found!
Thu, 17 Apr 2014 14:10:40 +0200 [UpgradeWizard] - Applying .htaccess update security fix.
Thu, 17 Apr 2014 14:10:40 +0200 [UpgradeWizard] - Rebuilding SugarLogic Cache
Thu, 17 Apr 2014 14:10:40 +0200 [UpgradeWizard] - Rebuilding JS Langauages
Thu, 17 Apr 2014 14:10:40 +0200 [UpgradeWizard] - Rebuilding Dashlets
Thu, 17 Apr 2014 14:10:59 +0200 [UpgradeWizard] - At updateVersions()... updating config table and sugar_version.php.
Thu, 17 Apr 2014 14:10:59 +0200 [UpgradeWizard] - *** ERROR: no sugar_version.php file location found! - cannot complete upgrade...

Hi there,

Do you have the sugar_version.php file located in your root directory? If so, what are the permissions on that file?



Yes I have that file. Itā€™s permissions are 755.

Hi there,

What is the owner/group set on the file?



Itā€™s the apache account user name for both owner and group.