Errors being displayed throughout SuiteCRM after Upgrade


I have upgraded to the latest SuiteCRM Version 7.11.10 and seem to have errors showing up when performing certain tasks.

One error that I get is “Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Class ‘Zend_Search_Lucene_Exception’ not found in…” when I perform a search. I truncated the message as to not show my directories.

Also, I have a custom “Vendors” module that is not working correctly. It is a module similar to the Accounts module. It displays businesses that I do business with and I enter their contact information. When I try to select a vendor from the list view, I get a white box with a header that mentions that “An error has occured” It shows the Vendor information, but it is not very well styled. Also, there is mentioned of an error which mentions" Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_emails_by_assign_or_link_12()" I truncated the message as to not mention my directory names. It does mention that “If this error persists, please have your administrator disable Ajax for this module” at the very bottom of this box.

What is causing these issues? What can I do to fix it?


which version did you upgrade from? Was it a single upgrade or more than one, in sequence?

I am guessing the cause for this are your custom files. You should have a received a warning about each one during the upgrade.

Those messages were also saved in your upgradewizard.log, check it for lines that look like this:

A file in upgrade pack found in custom folder: modules/Administration/index.tpl

That’s just an example, you will find it with mentions of other files and directories.

What that means is: the upgrade package brings in a new version of that file, but since you have that file customized in custom folder, the new file won’t take effect, because your old file will override it, and SuiteCRM has no way of merging the changes (that requires human intervention).

So when something else in the code needs the new version, and finds the old one, something breaks. You need to check those files manually and merge your customizations with the new code.