Error ZIP Error(0): Status(9)


I am unable to install the Canadian Language Pack. After downloading it from I only get a folder instead of a .zip file. So I am forced to zip it myself and then upload it using the Module Loader. But when I upload it I get this error: ZIP Error(0): Status(0): Arhive(upload:// Directory(/tmp/f43s5V)

I have a high max upload limit (5mb) so I know it can’t be that. I am using Safari (latest version) on a Mac OS X computer.

What am I missing?

You must get a zip not a folder from Crowdin
It seems that Safari automatically unzip your file and place the original zip in the trash!
see this reply:

1- Use a different browser
2- Enter your language
3- Hit the download button
4- If asked choose “save as” and set the location to save the zip file

Yeah I zipped the folder instead of zipping the content. Rookie mistake. It works now. Thanks!

Hi everyone,

I want to instal the dutch language pack. But it doesn’t work I keep getting this error message. Could some one please help me?? Or is it because I’m on an local host? I can’t put an attachment here weird.

This is the error message: ZIP Error(0): Status(9): Arhive(upload:// Directory(/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/SuiteCRM-7.9-2.1/cache/upgrades/temp/rTSyyh)

I’m working form a mac don’t know if that is a problem?



I suspect that it is file permissions issue.

The cache folder should be a writable folder so ensure that the file permissions are set correctly (usually 775) and the ownership is set (usually www-data) however I am not quite sure with Macs (long time since using one).

Where did you download the dutch language pack may I ask?

“ZIP Error(0): Status(9)” means that the zip is wrong

Use a different browser to download it again from Crowdin