Error while installing french translation

Hey there,

I’ve followed this tutorial (wich I’ve found in a topic of the forum) to install a langage pack :

Step 3, After I click on “commit” I got this page with error :

I’ve got the latest version : SuiteCRM-7.10.9

I think the lang pack got successfully installed, but with those PHP error so that was to let you know their are some bug.

Even on the module loader page, got to re-download nusoap latest version and change nusoap.php in the suiteCRM folder to solve some depreacted code…

Do my installation of SuiteCRM is broken ? Or thoses issues are know already ?


Is really 7.10.9 the latest version ?

Cuz for SMTP-mail I had to inject code include/SugarPHPMailer.php to make it work … Found the code in a 2 years old topic.

Why all of this code is not update since 2 year ?