Error : There was an error during your upload , Exceeded Allowed Maximium maximum :22020096

Upgrading 7.8.x - to -7.10.1 (I do not use Wamp I use Uniserver zero X1 )

ERROR: There was an error during your upload, please contact an administrator for help.

  • Size of Upload (25531766 bytes) Exceeded Allowed Maximum: 22020096 bytes

So far, I went to admin , then System Settings, then checked Maximum Upload size, was 30000000 Changed to 64000000
had upgraded from 7.6.4 to earlier this year (to 7.8.18 )

Config file is showing 64000000

Cannot find the php.ini file. …Been looking for a few hours.

Where can I look, or should I try and find a smaller sized upload? then go step at a time? I feel I did this years ago from 7.6.3 to 7.6.4 but cannot remember the steps I took then to get it done.
any helpful tips? I read all the posts, but some I could not follow at all.
Kind Regards,

Added comment for post :

  1. http://localhost/us_extra/phpinfo.php shoes upload_max_filesize 60M 60M

  2. C:\UniserverZ\core\php54\php_production.ini file shows the following.

Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 60M

; Maximum number of files that can be uploaded via a single request
max_file_uploads = 20

all fixed.
For anyone else using Uniserver go to C:\UniserverZ\core\php54\php_production.ini

around line 673 if you are using Uniserver, in php_production.ini (Just use notepad) and change the post_max_size to 40M
Hope fully this might be ok for the future software version release sizes.
After saving the changes ,

  1. nothing happened until…
  2. stopped the server , exited , same with suite crm of course.
  3. If that still doesn’t work, then do what I did.
    Closed down the computer, and re-started… all came good.

Now on update version 7.10.10 and liking it…

Will jump onto 11 when Beta is finished.

Keep an eye on the Compatibility Matrix as you upgrade.

If your path is any indication, you’re using PHP 5.4 which is not enough for SuiteCRM 7.10.

Thanks , for pointing that out!


So now fixed… if the next version is able to work with php7, all ok, if not , will move php version again. Amazing how things change and I see how many versions we are behind in… might start a 6 monthly spreadsheet to go through a series of software versions to keep on top of it all.

Appreciate the help on this forum, thanks :slight_smile: