Error retrieving record. This record may be deleted or you may not be authorized to view it.


I just installed 7.0.2 and mygrated all data and customizations. Everything seems working pretty fine except that when I go into the Listview and click on an account/user/contact i get following error instead of the entry “Error retrieving record. This record may be deleted or you may not be authorized to view it.”

The data is for sure there, so it seems to be some security setting… Can you please help?

Thanks, Martin

Hi Martin,

What permissions are set on your instance?



Hi Will,

it should all be 755.

Hi Martin,

Please ensure you set the following recommended permissions:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .

sudo chmod -R 755 .

sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

Can you check for the record ID in the DB? It doesn’t look like it, but it could be related to Roles/Security Suite if you have set any.



Hi Will,

so I am in the SSH connected, but if I type those commands it reads “-bash: sudo: command not found”

They sent me from support a command for turning all permission to 755 “find . -type f -exec chmod 755 {} ;”
Could you please tell me how I could write your code in the form propossed by the support? I think they use a slightly different command language. Maybe you have an idea.

Thanks, Martin.

Hi Martin,

I would consult your support as we are not familiar with your setup. They should be able to advise you on the correct permissions from our linux permissions commands.



Ok, I just sent them a request, let’s see how that helps. I just also checked the error log and found several issues, can it be related to some files missing?

Tue Mar 25 11:19:40 2014 [26671][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: select,, securitygroups_default.module, securitygroups_default.securitygroup_id from securitygroups_default inner join securitygroups on securitygroups_default.securitygroup_id = where securitygroups_default.deleted = 0 and securitygroups.deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table ‘dpost581_test.securitygroups_default’ doesn’t exist
Wed Mar 26 03:34:09 2014 [12208][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][ERROR] Unable to find relationship projects_contacts_resources
Wed Mar 26 03:34:09 2014 [12208][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][FATAL] project_resource for projects_contacts_resources failed to load

Wed Mar 26 03:34:09 2014 [12208][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][FATAL] error loading relationship project_resource
Wed Mar 26 03:45:59 2014 [8913][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link assigned_user_link
Wed Mar 26 03:45:59 2014 [8913][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link assigned_user_link
Wed Mar 26 03:46:16 2014 [9950][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link assigned_user_link
Wed Mar 26 03:46:16 2014 [9950][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link assigned_user_link
Wed Mar 26 03:46:32 2014 [10322][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link assigned_user_link
Wed Mar 26 03:46:32 2014 [10322][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link assigned_user_link
Wed Mar 26 03:47:46 2014 [14943][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link assigned_user_link
Wed Mar 26 03:47:46 2014 [14943][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link assigned_user_link
Wed Mar 26 03:48:43 2014 [16739][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][ERROR] convert: Conversion of 00:00 00.00 from d.m.Y H.i to Y-m-d H:i:s failed
Wed Mar 26 04:25:27 2014 [32711][ed205445-0209-0a88-537d-52d7df6735aa][ERROR] Field archive_until expecting datetime format, but got value:
Wed Mar 26 04:47:05 2014 [29824][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link assigned_user_link
Wed Mar 26 04:47:05 2014 [29824][92e8dd98-040f-9040-2602-52d7de221176][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link assigned_user_link
Wed Mar 26 04:53:55 2014 [14349][e482b40c-d234-4cf8-1f63-52dce96149f1][ERROR] Field archive_until expecting datetime format, but got value:
Wed Mar 26 05:03:39 2014 [7382][ed205445-0209-0a88-537d-52d7df6735aa][ERROR] Field archive_until expecting datetime format, but got value:

1 Like

So they just did the operations with a little exeption I quote here:
“However, due to some limitations of the chrooted environment on your account, it’s not possible to change the ownership of the directory to the server user.”

I checked the CRM, and the error is still persisting…


Do you/did you have any previous installs of SugarCRM/SuiteCRM on the same server which are running without this error?



Yes we had a version 7.0.1. that was running fine.

Hi Martin,

Was anything changed on your server from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2?



No everything was the same. Only thing I did basically was install new 7.0.2 and copy old config.php and config_override.php into the new install as I wasn’t able to run an update due to timeout issues. And basically everything works, data is all there. Just this security issue.

Hi Martin,

I could be way off track here, but you mention that you copied config.php and config_override.php to your new install location. Did you modify them as well?

If not, config.php has the entry ‘site_url’ which would be pointing back to your old instance. You should check it all to make sure you are also pointing to the correct database.



Hi Bruce,

thanks for noting this. I checked all files and the url as well as the database info are correct. Otherwise I guess the data would not have reconnected. This security issue is really dazzling me… I do not know where to continue :confused:

Anybody got a different idea, what it can be? Really keeps me going nuts and it’s only on 7.0.2. - if I go back to 7.0.1. I don’t have this problem…

Hi Martin,

Is the DB a direct clone that is being pointed to by the 7.0.2 instance? What version is it a clone from? Have you navigated to Admin -> Repair and performed a Quick Repair & Rebuild(scroll to bottom and execute changes), Rebuild Relationships and Repair Roles?



Hi Will,

the DB is the same as was. I just pointed to it in the config.php. Did all of the repairs you suggested - with no change to the errors unfortunately :confused:


so I checked today again Quick Repair & Rebuild and I get following at the end of the process:

Differences found between database and vardefs
The following script will sync the database structure with the structure defined in the vardefs. You have the option of exporting this script and then running it against your database using external database management tools, or to allow the administration module to run the script.

NOTE: any changes you make to the script in the textbox will be reflected in the exported or executed code.

/* Table : aor_fields /
/MISSING IN DATABASE - field_function - ROW/
ALTER TABLE aor_fields add COLUMN field_function varchar(100) NULL ;

What is this? Should I execute it or is my DB in danger of dataloss?

Thanks, Martin…


Always back up if you are in fear of data loss. This is a change for Advanced OpenReports. Execute the change and you should get the message ‘Database tables synced with vardefs’. This shouldn’t be related to your error but you should execute changes found in a Quick Repair & Rebuild, otherwise there will be mismatches between vardefs and the db.




I appreciate this is an old post, but I am experiencing the same error message when trying to view leads since upgrading to 7.1.1 - If I go to leads and search for a lead created by another user I can open / view it, but any created by my user ID, I get the Error retrieving message. Similarly if access from another user they can see the leads that I have created, but can’t view their own.

I’m surprised that there aren’t lots of other posts on the forum if this is a common issue, therefore it must be something specific to our installations.

Windows 7x64 host, using Sugar SQL install stack (Sugar 6.5.15, Apache, PHP Version 5.3.8, SQL 2005 SP 4) Upgraded to 7.0.2 > Upgraded to 7.1.1

I’ve tried a re-build, repair relationships, and cleared the cache directory.

When running the re-build it says there is a difference between the vardefs and the database, I can execute the changes via the web, or using the SQL express tools, completes successfully, re-run the repair and is returns exactly the same difference and code. Could there be a permissions issue?
