Error occurred while trying to edit custom module's fileds

Hi there.
I was trying to edit custom module’s filed then the following error was occurred.
anyone who can help me to deal this issue?

Notice: Undefined index: custom_fields_importable_dom in D:\xampp\htdocs\s\public\legacy\modules\ModuleBuilder\views\view.modulefield.php on line 325

Notice: Undefined index: custom_fields_merge_dup_dom in D:\xampp\htdocs\s\public\legacy\modules\ModuleBuilder\views\view.modulefield.php on line 326

my SuiteCRM’s version is 8.5 and also, I checked my language files , everything is there.

Hi DK9204,
Those are notices and unless you want to see them explicitly you should configure your php to avoid showing them. Try editing your php.ini and set the error_reporting suggested by SuiteCRM in the documentation:

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Thank you!
now everything is fine!