first of all I am new in this forum and very impressed by the bundling of SuiteCRM. Good work and thank you for keeping this tool open source and free, dear suiteCRM team.
Now here the problem I am facing. I have upgraded my SugarCRM CE 6.5.16 to suiteCRM 7.1.4. Now, when trying to perform an advanced search in the Task View using a Related to filter, the popup windows for selecting the related value (eg. Projekt name or the Contact name or any other Related module) brings the error in the subject instead of the selection listing.
Does anybody have an idea, what went wrong and how to fix this?
Sounds like permissions, or the upgrade may not have completed 100%.
Did you experience any issues when upgrading, white screens etc?
It may be worth looking into setting the correct permissions for your environment(lots of topics on this) and then running a Quick Repair & Rebuild in Admin -> Repair.
thank your reply. I have checked permissions and all are set to 775, owner is the web server user. So this should be fine.
I have attached a screenshot indicating that selector popup seems to loose the module selected in the relate to filed. Instead the url shows “undefined”.
The upgrade process was passed without any issues and the selector worked before the upgrade.
Do you or does somebody else have idea how to trace the issue?
I got the same problem on fresh installed suiteCRM instances. It seems to be a very bad bug in suiteCRM. So it seems in the Task search the flex relate field is broken in suiteCRM. I have not seen this in sugarCRM. It seems, we have to stop the suiteCRM project, we are currently evaluating. Too many bugs in critical areas.
I have tested this and I do not have this issue on a fresh install.
If this is a problem on both your fresh install and upgrade, it would suggest there is either an issue with the set-up of the files on the server, or the permissions.
What are the exact details of your web server set up, so we can suggest the correct permissions to set?
You say there are too many bugs, what other bugs are you experiencing? Many users globally have SuiteCRM deployed in production.
What I am seeing is that you all are trying to do a good job, but I have the feeling that the community is not really alive at suiteCRM.
Anyway. SuiteCRM is from its bundle a very interesting package, not only because it is for free available but combined with the possibility to gain support, it could potentially fit to a lot of companies and it offers a lot of functionality.
I am currently setting up a project that uses only a few modules (mainly Projects, Project Tasks, Tasks, Accounts and some custom build modules). The major thong is to setup relation ships between the different modules and a completely stuck in the fact that the relation from Project Tasks to other Modules is not working. When using Project Tasks with flex relation you end up in Errors like “Module undefined does not exist” or “Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘’”. The display of field in some subpanels does not work (eg. displaying task due date does not work in the Project Tasks). And the permission system is hard or impossible to understand ( or not working as expected) with its security groups, roles and inherited permissions.
I think I am currently focusing with my project on a very small areas of suiteCRM. I guess, the most deployments are using other modules.
Do you know what commercial support would fit to get this running?
Now coming back to the information you requested.
I am not sure, if I am right suggesting that the permission setup you ask for is in for the file system? I have set all to 775, owner is the web server user. All recursive.
I am using xampp (1.8.3-4) to run apache, mysql and php.
Again thank you for your feedback and please let me know, what we / I can do to get the root cause of the problems.
Security Groups Problems are gone. The reason for the erros seems to be that when "Use Creator Group Select " in Security Group Settings is selected, every record inherits automtically all group memberships from the user creating the record. Deselecting the setting seems to result in the expected inheritance behavour (item inherits groups from parent record or creator, depending on the settings).
Maybe someone is able to solve the project tasks bug?