Error ListViewSmarty.php on line 109 and DetailView2.php on line 76 Version 7.3 Beta

Hi, I have installed SuiteCRM Versión 7.3 Beta, Sugar Versión 6.5.20 (Build 1001).

When I go to homepage displays the error:

Notice: Undefined index: enable_line_editing_list in …\include/ListView/ListViewSmarty.php on line 109

And from accounts also shows the error

Notice: Undefined index: enable_line_editing_list in …\include/DetailView/DetailView2.php on line 76

Is there a possible solution?
Thank you very much for any comments.


You generally don’t want to display errors and notices on live SuiteCRM instances.

This can be turned off by setting display_errors to off in your php.ini file (the location of this depends on your OS/Host).

You can also, alternatively, set this in a .htaccess file.

More information can be found here:


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hi, how you solved the problems? i have same problem? help me?? thank you

This message is a Notice (not Error) in 7.3.1:

Notice: Undefined index: enable_line_editing_list in ... \include\ListView\ListViewSmarty.php on line 109

We definitely suppress error output for our live installation, but not on our test/staging installation.

I can’t easily confirm these Notices are inconsequential for users or not.

Is a patch available which gracefully addresses the undefined index?